Why the Cole Connection?
I started this blog to foster a “connection.” Whether it be connecting people with information, connecting readers to my life, or even connecting my generation with the thoughts and beliefs of those who came before us. Older folks sometimes say, “people who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it.” Well, from my 26 years on this earth, I know that to be somewhat true. Why make the same mistakes as others, when they can be avoided? And if you did make the same mistakes, why feel as though you’re alone?
My thoughts … pay it forward. Whether that “it” is knowledge, finances, lessons, or even love. With life comes experiences. For me, some of my favorite, yet most challenging, experiences have included: buying a home, earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, earning a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA), and most recently … law school. Whew chile. Well, please believe that these experiences also haven’t come without mistakes, laughs, failures, heartbreaks, lessons (whew the lessons), love, and so much more.
So this blog is my life. It’s my world. It’s how I view things, it’s advice I’ve been given, it’s advice I’ve taken, or even sometimes not taken. It’s everything I know. I hope that you learn from it. Whether the lesson is good, bad, ugly, or inspirational, I just hope you hear it and enjoy it. Judgement free.